Saturday, November 28, 2020


I am very patient when it comes to learning new things. I will sit for hours until I get things right. Unfortunately, I tend to forget that I need to take care of myself during this time.

Today, I want to take time for me. The first step is to do laundry. I have really been procrastinating doing it and am running out of things to wear.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tinkering with Google Chrome

I have tried to fix the way Facebook page looks in the Google Chrome. All that happened is I stayed up way to late without achieving anything. So I am just going to drink the coconut water and go to bed. Hopefully magnesium will help with restful sleep.

The Wonderful World of Muffin and Daisy

My mother has uploaded a new picture of puppy to Instagram. She adds new content everyday. Please check it out and follow if you like. @wonderfulwordofmuffinanddaisy

Friday, July 24, 2020


Miffin has learned to jump up on the box so he can sleep on it like cats do.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Practice Drawing a Cube

This looks awful. I need more practice but there is not enough space on this page.
After a few attempts I am still not happy the way it looks.