Saturday, November 28, 2020


I am very patient when it comes to learning new things. I will sit for hours until I get things right. Unfortunately, I tend to forget that I need to take care of myself during this time.

Today, I want to take time for me. The first step is to do laundry. I have really been procrastinating doing it and am running out of things to wear.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tinkering with Google Chrome

I have tried to fix the way Facebook page looks in the Google Chrome. All that happened is I stayed up way to late without achieving anything. So I am just going to drink the coconut water and go to bed. Hopefully magnesium will help with restful sleep.

The Wonderful World of Muffin and Daisy

My mother has uploaded a new picture of puppy to Instagram. She adds new content everyday. Please check it out and follow if you like. @wonderfulwordofmuffinanddaisy

Friday, July 24, 2020


Miffin has learned to jump up on the box so he can sleep on it like cats do.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Practice Drawing a Cube

This looks awful. I need more practice but there is not enough space on this page.
After a few attempts I am still not happy the way it looks.


I was remembering the fairytales of my childhood and how I used to belive the magic was real. I once even dreamt that I was drawing on the ceiling. My drawing came to life and started to move. It is the only happy dream I remember.
While on the topic of drawings. I bought myself a book to learn to draw from scratch. I should start practicing since I am majoring in art.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Memory Fluke

I had telephone appointment with Jhon, my phochologist. I told him I have problem with my memory. I recently forgot I had coffee and made another cup just to go to my room and see that my cup is still there. Turns out I had used my mother's cup. I never recalled drinking coffee. There was only the fact that I did. Next day I could vividly remember eating dinner. I could remember every single detail from taste to the way it looked. The problem I was still hungry because I didn't yet eat dinner. What I remembered so vividly happened the day before.
Jhon suggested to call my neurologist to see if she wanted to reschedule the appointment for sooner.

Update 3:09 - I called my neurologist, talked to receptionist. She said she will tell let the doctor know about my symptoms and call me back. In about an hour she did. Neurologist said it was most likely caused by anxiety and that I need to talk to my therapist.