Finally I’d found the courage to end the bad relationship I was in. “I’m done with romance for a good long while if not for good, period,” I told my mom. She was taking me to a Wednesday-night service at the new church in town. The sermon and the hymns were a welcome distraction from any thoughts about romance. Afterward Mom introduced me around. “And this is Bob,” she said. As I shook his hand I heard a voice, like a whisper in my ear: This will be your husband. Bob and I made plans to meet at the mall. We talked for hours and had a lot in common. It was the best date I ever had. I hadn’t been looking forward to the evening. Now I didn’t want it to end—and it didn’t. We were married a year later. |
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Done with Romance?
A Good Guy
I wanted to meet men. But not like this. It was cold and wet. We checked out four video stores before we could agree on a movie. Something funny and sweet where the guy and the girl end up together. If only real life could work out that way. It’s not like I wanted some Hollywood hunk for a boyfriend. I just wanted someone who was polite and thoughtful and actually listened to me instead of talking about himself the whole time. A good guy. Was that too much to ask? We were driving home when all of a sudden I heard the wail of a siren behind us and saw red lights flashing in my rearview mirror. “Oh, no,” I groaned. A ticket. That’s all I needed. He asked for my license and registration and headed back to his car. It took him a while to return. “Sorry for the delay,” he said, “but I had to write up two citations. Your inspection sticker has expired.” Then he handed me the citations to sign. “You can request a hearing if you want to, or just send it in. Thank you and have a nice evening.” |
Stop The Bloodshed
I've just heard about this emergency campaign urging for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Already 370 people have been killed in this escalating conflict. Now is the time to issue a demand to world leaders that the spiralling violence that has characterized the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must come to an end. In 2009 let's push for real peace to be achieved between Israel and Palestine. To learn more and to take action, read the email below:
Dear friends,
As we watch the Gaza bloodshed with horror, appalled at how the crisis is spiralling further out of control, one thing is clear -- this violence will only lead to further civilian suffering and an escalation of the conflict.
There must be another way. Over 370 are dead and hundreds more injured -- rockets are striking Ashdod deep inside Israel for the very first time, and the sides are mobilising for invasion. A global response has begun, but it'll take more than words -- the immediate violence won't end, nor will wider peace be secured, without firm action from the international community.
Today, we're launching an emergency campaign which will be delivered to the UN Security Council and key world powers, urging them to act to ensure an immediate ceasefire, address the growing humanitarian crisis, and take steps to build real and lasting peace.1 Follow this link now to sign the emergency petition and send it to everyone you know:
After eight or more years of ineffective US and global diplomacy -- and now Gaza's bloodiest day in recent memory -- we must issue a global outcry demanding that world leaders do more than make statements if they're to bring peace to this region. The UN, the European Union, the Arab League and the USA should now act together to ensure a ceasefire – which includes an end to rocket attacks into Israel and opening the checkpoints for fuel, food, medicine and other humanitarian aid deliveries.
With a new US President taking office in less than a month, a real opportunity exists to breathe new life into peace efforts. These latest hostilities require not only an immediate ceasefire but a commitment from Obama and other world leaders that resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the very top of their agendas. As the whole world is impacted by this ongoing conflict - we should demand nothing less.
In 2006 we mobilised for a ceasefire in Lebanon. For years we've worked to encourage a just and lasting peace, taking out billboards and ads across Israel and Palestine. Now as we head into 2009, we need to come together again to demand a peaceful and lasting resolution, instead of a further escalation of violence. Follow this link to put your name forward for peace:
All sides to the conflict will continue to act as they have in the past if they believe that the world will stand by and allow them to do so. 2009 is a year that things can be different. As we face this crisis, and the possibilities of a new year, it's time for us to demand a ceasefire and work together to finally put an end to this cycle of violence.
With hope and determination,
Brett, Ricken, Alice, Ben, Pascal, Paul, Graziela, Paula, Luis, Iain and the whole Avaaz team
Monday, December 29, 2008
Surprisingly Unhealthy Foods
These items may seem good for you; in fact, they may even be sold as health foods. But experts warn they may be hiding loads of calories, preservatives, sodium, and fat. Granola Bars. Energy Bars. Sports Drinks. |
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Chocolate: Great for Your Skin
Friday, December 19, 2008
Help Set the Agenda for the Next Secretary of Labor
Obama has named Rep. Hilda Solis as the next Secretary of Labor, which means it's finally time to undo the damage of Elaine Chao, Bush's longest running cabinet member. As Labor Secretary, Chao has made a mockery of the Department of Labor and trampled on workers' rights for eight years.
To make sure our top priorities get addressed, Rep. Solis needs to hear from everyone who cares about the future of America's working people.
There's an easy way to vote on what Rep. Solis' top priorities should be. Will you join me?
Vote now at:
Check out the choices and vote TODAY.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Target Women: Yogurt Edition // Current
Sarah Haskins of takes on media and marketing strategies directed at women with withering wit and hilarious insight. From pro-biotic yogurt to Disney princesses, Volvos to "The View," Sarah guides you through what advertisers think about how women think — and what that says about how our society thinks of women. You'll never look at yogurt the same way again.
more about "Target Women: Yogurt Edition // Current", posted with vodpod
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ban Cluster Boms Now
And here's more info from
Final negotiations are underway right now in Dublin, Ireland on a treaty to ban cluster bombs -- but its outcome is in danger.
Cluster munitions don't just kill during war--they scatter small, unexploded "bomblets" on the ground. When children pick them up, they are often maimed or killed. Most governments agree that they should be banned--but many are now trying to weaken the proposed treaty with loopholes, exemptions, and delays.
Negotiations end this Thursday. If enough of us raise our voices, we can drown out the arms manufacturers and convince our governments to do the right thing. Click below to send a message, and then forward this email to friends and family:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Castillo de Abbadie/ Castle of Abbadie
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Why You May Need More Magnesium
People often wonder if they are getting enough vitamin C, but rarely do they wonder if they are getting enough magnesium. The answer could be just as vital to health and well being. magnesium may be able to help you with: Strong Bones: Heart Health: |
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Rebate Processor HUGE Scam & Con
Many people are seeking paid to process rebate jobs – I’m not exactly sure why…maybe because it sounds like an easy way to make money from home? None-the-less, many companies have found ways to tally take advantage of jobseekers and is one of them.
So after you pay your $40 to you’ll quickly discover that, as I have written before, this is not at all even a “rebate processing” job! This company, like myself, and maybe even you, is a member of ClickBank. They want YOU to get people to buy clickbank items. HOW IT WORKS: |
Free Sample Dove Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner
When a woman first looks at her reflection in the morning, it’s like a crystal ball. It’ll tell her whether her hair is going to behave or if she’s going to have a struggle on her hands. This is the key moment where she assesses her specific type of hair damage and then tries to “correct” it – in doing so, she often damages her hair even further. Dove believes that damage is the main thing standing between women and having beautiful hair. Only hair that’s in good condition responds well to a hair routine and allows women to achieve the look they want every day. Dove will repair the damage to make hair beautiful. In five days, your hair will have more noticeable shine and volume with Dove Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner. |
Pet Greens Free Samples
Gurnier Free Samples
Monday, March 3, 2008
Government Concedes Vaccin-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
After years of insisting there is no evidence to link vaccines with the onset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the US government has quietly conceded a vaccine-autism case in the Court of Federal Claims. The doctors conceded that the child was healthy and developing normally until her 18-month well-baby visit, when she received vaccinations against nine different diseases all at once (two contained thimerosal). This statement is good news for the girl and her family, who will now be compensated for the lifetime of care she will require. But its implications for the larger vaccine-autism debate, and for public health policy in general, are not as certain. In fact, the government's concession seems to raise more questions than it answers. 1) Is there a connection between vaccines, mitochondrial disorders and a diagnosis of autism, at least in some cases? |
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Neighbor Update
Moringa - miracle tree
"He who has health has hope; |
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Rioters Break Into Belgarde's US Embassy
BELGRADE, Serbia (Feb. 21) - Serb rioters set fire to an office inside the U.S. Embassy Thursday and police clashed with protesters outside other embassy buildings after a large demonstration against Kosovo's declaration of independence. Serbia's President Boris Tadic, on an official visit to Romania, appealed for calm and urged the protesters to stop the attacks and move away from the streets. Tadic said that violence was "damaging" Serbia's efforts to defend Kosovo, which declared its independence from Belgrade on Sunday. For several days, Kosovo's Serbs have shown their anger by destroying U.N. and NATO property, setting off small bombs and staging noisy rallies. On Thursday, the neighboring Croatian Embassy also was targeted by the same group of protesters at the U.S. Embassy, and smaller groups attacked police posts outside the Turkish and British embassies in another part of the city but were beaten back. Groups also broke into a McDonald's restaurant and demolished the interior. |
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Ask Congress to Stop Ships From
Fewer than 350 North Atlantic Right Whales are alive today, making the species one of the most critically endangered on the planet. And the leading cause of death to these whales is also the most easily prevented: collisions with ships. Ship strikes accounted for 27 reported deaths of large whales along the Atlantic coastline between 2001-2005, and an estimated 4 Right whales are killed by ships annually. It is critical that the situation improve immediately. Further delays in taking action will increase the likelihood that the population will never recover. By supporting the Ship Strike Reduction Act of 2008, you can ask Congress to help slow down the ships and significantly reduce risk of injuries and death for the North Atlantic Right Whale. Please contact your Senator and urge him or her to support the Ship Strike Reduction Act. |
IBS Quiz
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a collection of symptoms that cause physical pain and emotional stress. But lifestyle changes can help prevent and control these symptoms and increase one's quality of life. Test your knowledge about managing IBS. |
TMZ Photogs Busted in Britney Sweep
The cops have cracked down bigtime on paparazzi -- no, not the ones who blow red lights. Not the ones who run cars off the road. Not the ones who threaten to kill people who get in their way. The L.A. County Sheriff's Department is going after ... sidewalk violators!!! By our count, six camerapeople were busted last night; two outside the salon where Brit was getting her hair done and four outside Villa nightclub where Lindsay was partying. Two TMZ photogs were among those busted. One deputy is heard warning paps, "You're slowing down, you're stopping on my sidewalk." When asked what law the photogs were violating, a deputy cited West Hollywood Municipal Code, Section 3.04.030, the Traffic Safety Fund. That section funnels traffic violation money to bankroll traffic lights and other stuff. One TMZ photog says he had just stepped off the sidewalk when he was cuffed and thrown into the back of a squad car for an hour. Another TMZ photog was hauled off to jail for six hours. |
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Regaining Faith
Do we learn to give the love we try so hard to hide,
When we embrace the soul of light that's waiting for us there,
We find a love so pure, divine, that goes beyond compare,
It touches us in places and stirs the inner fires,
Healing soul and spirit, fullfilling all desires,
The part we left so long ago, the one who's love is true,
The one who weeps with sorrow while waiting there for you.
Living in the moment is the hardest thing to do, |
Monday, February 18, 2008
Found something awesome online and can’t wait to pass it on? Tired of copying and pasting endless URLs? Shareaholic allows you to share, bookmark and e-mail web pages quickly without leaving your browser. |
Lucky Magazine Rachel Bilson Cover Sweepstakes
Enter here to win Rachel Bilson's cover outfit—worth more than $2,500! Plus: The first 50 to register will receive a Lancôme High Définicils Mascara in Black. |
Terrible Neighbor
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Panne with Salmon and Roasted Vegetables
The Miracle Times
"Nothing real can be threatened. |
Tell President Bush to Protect Polar Bears