Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Neighbor Update
This week was very quite. It is so nice to be able to fall asleep without having to listen to him play. I hope he found some other place to drum.
Moringa - miracle tree
"He who has health has hope; |
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Rioters Break Into Belgarde's US Embassy
BELGRADE, Serbia (Feb. 21) - Serb rioters set fire to an office inside the U.S. Embassy Thursday and police clashed with protesters outside other embassy buildings after a large demonstration against Kosovo's declaration of independence. Serbia's President Boris Tadic, on an official visit to Romania, appealed for calm and urged the protesters to stop the attacks and move away from the streets. Tadic said that violence was "damaging" Serbia's efforts to defend Kosovo, which declared its independence from Belgrade on Sunday. For several days, Kosovo's Serbs have shown their anger by destroying U.N. and NATO property, setting off small bombs and staging noisy rallies. On Thursday, the neighboring Croatian Embassy also was targeted by the same group of protesters at the U.S. Embassy, and smaller groups attacked police posts outside the Turkish and British embassies in another part of the city but were beaten back. Groups also broke into a McDonald's restaurant and demolished the interior. |
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Ask Congress to Stop Ships From
Fewer than 350 North Atlantic Right Whales are alive today, making the species one of the most critically endangered on the planet. And the leading cause of death to these whales is also the most easily prevented: collisions with ships. Ship strikes accounted for 27 reported deaths of large whales along the Atlantic coastline between 2001-2005, and an estimated 4 Right whales are killed by ships annually. It is critical that the situation improve immediately. Further delays in taking action will increase the likelihood that the population will never recover. By supporting the Ship Strike Reduction Act of 2008, you can ask Congress to help slow down the ships and significantly reduce risk of injuries and death for the North Atlantic Right Whale. Please contact your Senator and urge him or her to support the Ship Strike Reduction Act. |
IBS Quiz
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a collection of symptoms that cause physical pain and emotional stress. But lifestyle changes can help prevent and control these symptoms and increase one's quality of life. Test your knowledge about managing IBS. |
TMZ Photogs Busted in Britney Sweep
The cops have cracked down bigtime on paparazzi -- no, not the ones who blow red lights. Not the ones who run cars off the road. Not the ones who threaten to kill people who get in their way. The L.A. County Sheriff's Department is going after ... sidewalk violators!!! By our count, six camerapeople were busted last night; two outside the salon where Brit was getting her hair done and four outside Villa nightclub where Lindsay was partying. Two TMZ photogs were among those busted. One deputy is heard warning paps, "You're slowing down, you're stopping on my sidewalk." When asked what law the photogs were violating, a deputy cited West Hollywood Municipal Code, Section 3.04.030, the Traffic Safety Fund. That section funnels traffic violation money to bankroll traffic lights and other stuff. One TMZ photog says he had just stepped off the sidewalk when he was cuffed and thrown into the back of a squad car for an hour. Another TMZ photog was hauled off to jail for six hours. |
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Regaining Faith
Only when we realize love from the other side,
Do we learn to give the love we try so hard to hide,
When we embrace the soul of light that's waiting for us there,
We find a love so pure, divine, that goes beyond compare,
It touches us in places and stirs the inner fires,
Healing soul and spirit, fullfilling all desires,
The part we left so long ago, the one who's love is true,
The one who weeps with sorrow while waiting there for you.
Do we learn to give the love we try so hard to hide,
When we embrace the soul of light that's waiting for us there,
We find a love so pure, divine, that goes beyond compare,
It touches us in places and stirs the inner fires,
Healing soul and spirit, fullfilling all desires,
The part we left so long ago, the one who's love is true,
The one who weeps with sorrow while waiting there for you.
Living in the moment is the hardest thing to do, |
Monday, February 18, 2008
Found something awesome online and can’t wait to pass it on? Tired of copying and pasting endless URLs? Shareaholic allows you to share, bookmark and e-mail web pages quickly without leaving your browser. |
Lucky Magazine Rachel Bilson Cover Sweepstakes
Enter here to win Rachel Bilson's cover outfit—worth more than $2,500! Plus: The first 50 to register will receive a Lancôme High Définicils Mascara in Black. |
Terrible Neighbor
This night was a second night my neighbor was playing drums. Sometimes he plays electric guitar which is just as bad when I am trying to sleep. Calling police doesn't work they just say that they have more important cases to take care of, but will send someone when this someone will be come available. No one ever comes and my neighbor continuous to play drums knowing that we will do nothing about it. If anyone has any idea of how to deal with it, you are welcome to drop me a line. Just pleas don't tell me to talk to me because I tried and it doesn't work.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Panne with Salmon and Roasted Vegetables
You'll be hooked by the sweet, mellow flavor of the caramelized vegetables and the tender texture of the salmon. From Prevention Healthy Cooking.
Project Name: ACNE ***For this study only, it is allowed to have recently participated in another research study *** We are looking for individuals 18-35 years old who suffer from acne and are interested in participating in a product use test for a new acne treatment in which you will be asked to use a product for 8 weeks. During the course of your treatment, you will be required to attend (3) 45 minutes to 1-hour sessions in the Mission Valley area that will involve picking up the product, taking photos, & filling out a short survey. The first session will take place on Wednesday, March 5th or Thursday, March 6th. The second session will occur 4 weeks later and the 3rd session will occur when you are finished with the treatment at the end of 8 weeks. Qualified participants MUST be willing to stop all acne treatments at least 1 week prior to your participation and throughout the duration of the 8-week trial. For attending each mandatory session, you will be compensated a total of $225 ($75 for each session). If interested please EMAIL US ONLY using the subject of Acne to with the following information to see if you qualify: - Your name & age - Phone number(s) & best time to be reached - Which one of the following best describes your acne condition? Acute acne, mild/moderate acne, or occasional blemishing?
The Miracle Times
"Nothing real can be threatened. |
Tell President Bush to Protect Polar Bears
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Most destructive projuct on Earth: report
Federal and provincial health officials in Alberta are trying to cover up "the most destructive project on Earth," aboriginal leaders said yesterday during the release of a report on the oilsands sector. Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation accused the federal and provincial health departments of harassing a local physician who has sounded alarm bells about rare cancers striking the community downriver from the oilsands. Both departments have filed complaints in an attempt to get Dr. John O'Connor's licence revoked because they believe he was raising undue alarm, but locals say the physician was doing his job. The report estimates that Environment Minister John Baird's new proposal to regulate pollution from industrial facilities would allow greenhouse gas emissions to double to about 80 million tonnes per year by 2020 because of soft targets that require industry only to reduce emissions per unit of production instead of hard caps. |
Lack of dietary vitamins and minerals may increase the risk of cancer
A lack of vitamins and minerals in people's diet could contribute to an increased risk of cancer, according to Bruce Ames of the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute in California. He suggests vitamin supplements might be a cheap and effective way to prevent diseases among most vulnerable groups. At the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting Ames put forward the idea that calorie-rich junk food that is low in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) forced the body to enter a "survival mode" that evolved to keep us alive in the short-term at the expense of fixing potential long-term dangers such as damage to DNA and cells. This would then lead to increased risk of developing cancer and a compromised immune system. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2006, Ames, who is on the scientific advisory board for the nutrients company Juvenon, reviewed the damage caused by different micronutrient deficiencies. |
Friday, February 15, 2008
Build Immune System - Use NAC For Enhanced Immunity
Many are looking for natural methods to build immunity to Antibiotics Are Overused By using such large quantities of antibiotics there has been Health Benefits of NAC As An Immune Builder Supplementing with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can dramatically N-acetylcysteine also increased the activity of the immune |
Cranbarry Juce To The Rescue
Respiratory and ear infections.
Recipe Consider this more of a medicinal drink than a beverage, and 1 tea bag of Green Tea or Chai Green Tea Bring one pint of water to a rolling boil. Insert your tea bag You can drink this cold or warm it up and drink. If you have |
Nuclear 'Eye' Reveals That Napoleon Was Not Poisoned, Although Arsenic Levels High At That Time
ScienceDaily (Feb. 14, 2008) — Arsenic poisoning did not kill Napoleon in Saint Helena, as affirmed by a new meticulous examination performed at the laboratories of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Milano-Bicocca and Pavia, together with the University of Milano-Bicocca and the University of Pavia. The hairs were placed in capsules and inserted in the core of the nuclear reactor in Pavia. The technique used is known as “neutron activation”, which has two enormous advantages: it does not destroy the sample and it provides extremely precise results even on samples with an extremely small mass, such as human hair samples. The examination produced some surprising results. First of all, the level of arsenic in all of the hair samples from 200 years ago is 100 times greater than the average level detected in samples from persons living today. |
The Foo Fighters of World War II
December 22, 1944: The pilot of the Allied The balls suddenly leveled off and started Another encounter was described by Major William |
Crime investigator prepares to search for ghosts
MADERA, Calif. -- A Fresno, Calif., ghost hunter has Madera County's blessing to spend 24 hours in an old fire station, the reputed home of a mischievous spirit named Homer. Since the 1950s, firefighters in the old adobe brick station have traded spooky tales about unexplained thumps, shadowy night visitors, lights that go on and off when no one's around -- and Homer. Last spring Cal Fire crews moved to a new station, and Madera County in June paid the private property owner $91,000 for the 1950 barracks, kitchen and garage on 1.69 acres along Road 600. The county plans to locate a community senior center there while keeping a volunteer fire engine in the garage. Burrow and two associates last month paid a preliminary visit to the site. He turned on an "electronic voice phenomenon" recorder in front of the office area but heard nothing unusual. |
Sun-like star flips its magnetic field
An international group of astronomers that includes the University of Hawaii's Evgenya Shkolnik reported today that they have discovered that the Sun-like star tau Bootis flipped its magnetic field from north to south sometime during the last year. It has been known for many years that the Sun's magnetic field changes its direction every 11 years, but this is this is the first time that such a change has been observed in another star. The team of astronomers, who made use of Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope atop Mauna Kea, are now closely monitoring tau Bootis to see how long it will be before the magnetic field reverses again. |
New Hubble images reveal galaxy
The new images should offer insights into the formative years of galaxy birth and evolution and yield information on the types of objects that may have contributed to ending the dark ages. The faraway galaxy also is an ideal target for Hubble's successor, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scheduled to launch in 2013. Current theory holds that the dark ages began about 400,000 years after the Big Bang, as matter in the expanding universe cooled and formed clouds of cold hydrogen. These cold clouds pervaded the universe like a thick fog. At some point during this era, stars and galaxies started to form. Their collective light reheated the foggy, cold hydrogen, ending the dark ages about a billion years after the Big Bang. |
Triple Asteroid Found Near Earth
The first triple asteroid near Earth has been discovered. It was originally found in 2001, but new observations with the radar telescope at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico reveal it is three gravitationally bound rocks. "This discovery has extremely important implications for ideas about the origins of near-Earth asteroids and the processes responsible for their physical properties," said Cornell University and Arecibo astronomer Michael C. Nolan. "Double, or binary, asteroid systems are known to be fairly common — about one in six near-Earth asteroids is a binary — but this is the first near-Earth triple system to be discovered." Nolan said this finding prompts several questions: Are the objects orbiting in the same plane? How rapidly are the orbits changing with time? Did the smaller objects, which Nolan calls moons, form when this asteroid system formed in the main asteroid belt, or after it arrived in near-Earth space? |
Health-care plan in ancient Egypt? Research suggests more than spells, prayers
As Egyptian mummies go, Asru is a major celebrity. During her life in the 8th century B.C., she was known for her singing at the temple of Amun in Karnak; now she's famous for her medical problems. Forensic studies have revealed that although Asru lived into her 60s, she was not a well woman. She had furred-up arteries, desert lung (pneumoconiosis) caused by breathing in sand, osteoarthritis, a slipped disc, periodontal disease and possibly diabetes, as well as parasitic worms in her intestine and bladder. Her last years must have been full of pain and suffering. After all, what could her doctor do to help? Say a few prayers and recite a spell or two? If you read the history books, that's about as much as Asru could expect. But not according to Jackie Campbell at the KNH Center for Biomedical Egyptology at the University of Manchester in England. Her research suggests that Asru's doctor probably consulted a handbook of remedies and prescribed something |
Urinary Tract Problems in Cats
What is Feline Lower "Feline lower urinary tract disorders" What are the symptoms The clinical signs of all the FLUTDs are |
Don't Take Away Loaded Gun Restrictions In National Parks
America's national parks embody the American spirit. They are vital to the survival of many animal species, and offer countless educational experiences for children of all ages. The National Park Service has reasonable guidelines about firearms in national parks. It is currently lawful to transport firearms through national parks as long as they are unloaded and stored. But an amendment pending before the Senate could change gun policy in the parks and make it more difficult for the Park Service to enforce weapons restrictions as they apply from state to state. An amendment allowing loaded guns in the parks could:
Urge the Senate and Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne to say NO to the loaded guns in parks amendment. |
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