English: Germany's Ex-Minister and now Independent Delegate for the Assessment of Child Sexual Abuse, Dr. Christine Bergmann Deutsch: Unabhängige Beauftragte zur Aufarbeitung des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs, Dr. Christine Bergmann, Bundesministerin a. D. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Among more than 1,400 adult females, childhood sexual abuse was associated with increased likelihood of drug dependence, alcohol dependence, and psychiatric disorders. The associations are expressed as odds ratios: for example, women who experienced nongenital sexual abuse in childhood were 2.93 times more likely to suffer drug dependence as adults than were women who were not abused. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Picture taken at the Come Alive New Testament Church of Medford, New Jersey. Raymond and Vanessa Jackson and the adopted and foster children in their care. Bruce Jackson aged 19-years-old and weighing 45 lb. is standing next to Vanessa Jackson, the other three boys being starved are standing together (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Rib fractures in an infant secondary to child abuse (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
US Navy 070329-N-6674H-001 Commander, Navy Region Hawaii and Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific, Rear Adm. T. G. Alexander signs a Month of the Military Child and Child Abuse Prevention Month proclamation (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
US Navy 070329-N-4965F-001 Commander, Navy Region Hawaii and Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific, Rear Adm. T. G. Alexander signs a Month of the Military Child and Child Abuse Prevention Month proclamation (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Dave's Words of Wisdom: Child Abuse - Breaking The Silence: Child abuse is defined as the physical, sexual or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child or children. Children who have...
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