Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ask Congress to Stop Ships From

clipped from
Fewer than 350 North Atlantic Right Whales are alive today, making the species one of the most critically endangered on the planet. And the leading cause of death to these whales is also the most easily prevented: collisions with ships.
Ship strikes accounted for 27 reported deaths of large whales along the Atlantic coastline between 2001-2005, and an estimated 4 Right whales are killed by ships annually. It is critical that the situation improve immediately. Further delays in taking action will increase the likelihood that the population will never recover.
By supporting the Ship Strike Reduction Act of 2008, you can ask Congress to help slow down the ships and significantly reduce risk of injuries and death for the North Atlantic Right Whale.
Please contact your Senator and urge him or her to support the Ship Strike Reduction Act.
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